Minutes - October 17, 2019
Meeting of the Campus Faculty
October 17, 2019
I. Call to order
3:30, called to order
II. Agenda Approval
Agenda approved
III. Minutes of Spring 2019
Minutes approved
IV. Substance abuse testing Presentation
Three policies in place:
4.5.E and 4.5.G (Provost)
402.1 (VCFA)
705.2 (BOT)
See Stephen Caldwell’s Powerpoint
Today's Presenters
Debbie McCloud
Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Bill Kincaid
Managing associate to General Council
See Debbie McCloud’s Presentation
Policy meant to address procedures for handling drug/alcohol issues - Medical Marijuana is a part of the policy. Policy - nothing new. Just documenting our practices to help with consistency across campus.
Suspicion-Based Substance Abuse Testing. Required when behavior is characteristic of use of substance that may negatively impact performance of job duties or constitute threat to health/safety. Steps to take before a substance abuse test is taken. In last three years, less than five have been processed. Suggestion that the word “reasonable” be used in the policy. Suspicion based testing is applicable to any worker at the U of A - Staff, Faculty, etc.
This policy updated is needed to express how the procedures function on campus when one is suspected of being under the influence. Meant to be fair and consistent, not haphazard.
Important to have something concrete in place. Third party is used for testing. HR does not do the testing.
Comment: We are in a new age and some people need medical marijuana to function. This policy needs to better address the needs of folks who carry such cards.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.