Minutes Fall 2017

Minutes - October 26, 2017 (Tentative)
I.  Call to Order - Kathleen Lehman, Chair - 3:30 p.m.
II.  Approval of the Agenda
Addition of Tenure Changes
III. Approval of Minutes from Spring 2016 and Fall 2015 of the Campus Faculty meetings.
IV.   Program: Discussion about Campus safety with particular focus on Arkansas Act 562 (concealed carry law) with guest speakers Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Terry Martin, Assistant Vice Chancellor of University Relations Mark Rushing, UAPD Director Steve Gahagans, and Associate General Counsel Matt McCoy. 
  • Guns are allowed on campus; must have an enhanced training permit before you can carry on campus.
  • Training permit available in the not-too-distant future.
  • Open carry will not be allowed on campus.
  • No guns - sporting events, places where alcohol, day care center, grievance and disciplinary hearings.
  • Storage on campus is not allowed; can only be stored in a locked car.
  • Online resource available.
  • For more information visit:  https://safety.uark.edu/campus-carry/index.php
  • You can state your preference that guns not be allowed but you cannot post this.
  • If you see a gun, please call; the police will follow up - need to check for appropriate credentials, and so on.
  • Just because they have the permit, UAPD still has its own safety laws on this campus to ensure campus safety.
  • Firearms are still prohibited if you are younger than 21 and do not have an enhanced training carry permit.
  • Feel free to go to the Arkansas State Police website
  • Question was raised - will grievance meeting rooms be equipped with metal detectors?
  • Latest on Concealed Weapons - https://static.ark.org/eeuploads/asp/chcl_proposed_rule_changes_10102017.pdf
  • This all kicks in in two months.


V.  Any announcements or other business

  • The Faculty Senate Executive Committee will look at the proposed changes of Board Policy 405.1.
  • If you have specific concerns, please let Kevin Hall and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee know asap.
  • The Board of Trustees is taking feedback.
  • The concern is that this looks like it's being "pushed through" secretly.  Perhaps they need to be told that if they want feedback, then they should ask for it!
  • To access the Board of Trustees Emails - https://www.uasys.edu/leadership/board-of-trustees/
  • Concerns with the nature of how these changes were made.


VI.  Announcement

Faculty Senate Meeting - November 8th, 3:30 p.m. - Benefits discussion


VII.  Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 4:30